everything I’m sure you think you know me and you already figured it out that I
love cake and that I won’t give it up even if it’s guaranteed that I’ll be same
size as the Kates (Middleton and Moss); well, you’re right, but there is one
food that I love even more then chocolate and that is TOMATOES!!!
can eat live just on tomatoes. I love them so much and I love them all (I do
prefer grapes tomatoes in case you want to know what to buy me for my b-day). I’m
able to not eat chocolate for a week but a day without tomatoes is not a day!
you’re going to say…”good for you! Eating veggies”. Well, just like fruit, not
all veggies are create equals and there are some veggies that can cause you
inflammations and inflammation can cause problems like: cancer, heart attack, MS, Parkinson
desease, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, asthma and plenty others so you want
to make sure you don’t have inflammations. And an easy way to do it is to make
sure you don’t eat too much “nightshade veggies”
Nightshade are also
called solanaceae.
are known for having a high amount of toxins and the legend tells that in
Central America the natives used them for poison.
humankind, eat them on a regular basis! We eat poison! I’m not here to judge
you because tomatoes are one of the nightshades and like I said before I can
live just on it, but I don’t! I eat one tomato a day and I cut on the rest of
the nightshade.
eat more than one nightshade a day and if you can cut on it completely I will
be there to support you!
else is considered a nightshade?
is a short list: Potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant,
tomatillos, tamarios, pepinos, pimentos, paprika, cayenne peppers and tobacco.
So you have
something to think about and check again your plate because if you’re eating
tons of salad and you don’t lose any weight it might have something to do with
eating the cake is better than eating veggies!
Hope you enjoy this
post if you have any question please contact me on twitter @DanaGatPT.