This thing your body can’t live without.
How many of you have heard your mom say “eat your
I never heard it from my mom but I've heard it from
my kindergarten teacher. It didn't help me eat my veggies…
When I cook I like to make my food look like a rainbow. Not
just because I love to support the LGBT community but because this is an easy way to make sure I have
a huge range of vitamins from my food.
In this post we are going to learn how
you can get all your vitamins from your diet and why running to buy supplements
is not necessarily the best thing for you.
Let’s explain about each vitamin first and then we’ll
talk about the supplements and everything else you need to know.
There are two groups of vitamins.
Group #1 is the fat soluble vitamins.
Fat soluble means those vitamins which are stored
in the liver and in the fat tissue of the body, so you don’t need to take them
They’re in your body so your body can use them
whenever it needs to.
Foods with fat soluble vitamins keep their nutrients
when you cook them.
if you absorb too much of those vitamins you might
suffer from toxicity.
And now let’s talk about each vitamin:
Vitamin A:
Vitamin A helps to prevent eye problems, supports the
immune system, protects against heart diseases, helps to lower the cholesterol level
and helps with the formation of bones.
Sources for vitamin A include: green, yellow, red
and orange fruits and veggies (kale and any other leafy greens veggies, sweet
potatoes, tomatoes, carrots etc.), alfalfa sprouts, cayenne pepper, parsley,
and mint.
Vitamin D:
Vitamin D works not just as a vitamin but as a hormone
too. It boosts immunity and helps to absorb calcium.
Sources for vitamin D include: eggs, fish, oats,
sweet potatoes, alfalfa sprouts and parsley.
Vitamin E:
Vitamin E helps in tissue repair and in promoting healthy
skin, hair and eyes. It’s great for your blood pressure and it boosts
Sources for vitamin E include: dark leafy greens,
legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs, oats, watercress, alfalfa sprouts and flaxseed oil.
Vitamin K helps to keep your liver healthy and is great for
strengthening your bones.
Sources for vitamin K include: dark leafy greens,
asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, eggs, oats and alfalfa sprouts.
Now we move to group #2: water soluble vitamins. Water soluble means that those vitamins are not stored in
your body and if you have an excess amount of them you will pee it out, meaning
the next day you have to put those vitamin back in your body.
There are too many vitamins B’s to talk about so we
are going to talk about vitamin B12 and then we’ll talk about the rest of the B
Vitamin B12:
Vitamin B12 helps with the digestion and with the
absorption of proteins, fat and carbs.
It helps to prevent anemia.
Sources for vitamin B12 include: nutritional yeasts,
eggs, fish, nori algae, dulse algae, alfalfa sprouts and oats.
B complex:
The B complex (meaning vitamin: B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B9,B10
etc.) promotes metabolism, helps with brain functions, assists in creating more
red blood cell and lowers the cholesterol level.
Sources for vitamins B’s include: meat, whole
grains, nuts, legumes, potatoes, nutritional yeasts, alfalfa sprouts, cayenne
pepper, parsley, mint, eggs, poultry, spinach, avocado, leafy greens veggies,
fish, carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes.
Vitamin C:
Vitamin C has more than 300 functions in the body
including: tissue growth and repair, wound healing, removal of toxins from the
body, lowering cholesterol level, protection against pollution and many more.
Sources for vitamin C include: berries, kiwi,
citrus fruit, green veggies, orange veggies, red veggies, alfalfa sprouts and
And now after you know about each vitamin let’s
talk about it all.
How many of you take vitamin supplements? Why are
you taking it?
There are a few reasons for a vitamins deficiency
You’re too lazy to eat a
salad every day.
You took vitamins
supplements when you were younger and it messed up your body so now you don’t
have a choice but to take supplements.
You have a rare genetic disease
and you can’t absorb vitamins properly.
You think you need supplements,
so you take them.
45% of North Americans suffer from vitamin A
deficiency! 45% is almost every other person! It’s crazy!
Vitamin A is a fat vitamin, meaning you don’t even
need to put it in your body every day and if you eat a carrot or a tomato
a day you’re more than OK.
Vitamin D is another fat vitamin, meaning, too, that
you don’t need to put it in your body every day. In the summer your body stores
it and releases it in your body during the cold winter days.
You can even get it from food!
But most of the people I know take it daily.
The problem with fat soluble vitamins is that your
body keeps them and doesn't get rid of them so you basically poison your body.
Vitamins B is a very popular vitamin to take as a
supplement when you feel you don’t have enough energy.
Energy = calories.
Vitamins have ZERO calories in them, meaning they also
have ZERO energy in them.
Vitamins are helping our body to function. They’re
not there as a substitute for food.
Vitamin B12 is another popular supplement for vegans.
You can get more then your daily amount of vitamin b12 from oats, nutritional
yeast, nori and dulse algae and alfalfa sprouts.
Vitamin C is crazy.
So many people take it to fight cold. One vitamin
can’t fight cold; you have to take ALL vitamins.
Vitamins B’s and vitamin C are water soluble
vitamins, meaning if you eat a salad a day the excess amount you have from
supplement not going to stay in your body.
Most of us get enough vitamins from food but when
we take extra from the water soluble vitamins (B’s and C) for example when we
take supplement even when we don’t need to instead of eating healthy you are going
to have a very expensive urine.
I’ll make it short for you ( I know it’s kinda late you don’t have to buy supplements; you can get all your vitamins from
your diet.
If you don’t have a rare disease you don’t need supplements;
you’re just lazy.
And if you want to stay healthy and thin you want
to make sure you get all your vitamins because that’s what they do.
Eat a big range of colorful veggies and you’ll be
That’s one of my secrets for how I EAT THE CAKE AND
I eat my vitamins. I don’t drink them and I don’t
take it as a supplement. I eat them!
Sorry for the long post but there was so much I
wanted to share with you.
Next one is about water so it will be shorter, promise!
is it?
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